SAT Race 2019


Benchmark Submission

We would like to invite and encourage submissions of benchmarks and benchmark generators for all the tracks of the competition. Ideally, the benchmarks should be "interesting": not too easy (solvable by MiniSat in a minute) or too hard (unsolvable by the participants own solver within one hour on a computer similar to the nodes of the StarExec cluster).

Participants should submit benchmarks by emailing them to "" with the subject "SAT Competition 2019 Benchmark Submission" and either a URL link or attachment of a single zip file containing the benchmarks.

Input and Output Format

Benchmarks have to be formatted according to the SAT Competition 2011 Benchmark Submission Guidelines. A benchmark description, using the IEEE Proceedings style, should be submitted with each submitted benchmark family, following the instructions for solver descriptions. The benchmark descriptions will be made available similarly as the solver descriptions (see general rules).

Benchmark Selection

The benchmark problems will be selected randomly from the set of benchmarks submitted by the participants and by the organizers. The benchmarks submitted by the participants may be scrambled and/or modified by applying satisfiability preserving transformations.